Booking A Pet-Friendly Cottage Or Cabin? Tips For Selecting One That Both You And Your Pet Will Love
When one of your closest friends has four legs and fur, planning a restful vacation can be difficult to do. If you stay home, you miss out on all the fun, but if you go away without your pet, you will probably spend most of your time worrying that they miss you or that the kennel is treating them badly.
To avoid any misgivings, pet owners should consider taking their pets with them and booking a pet-friendly vacation cabin or cottage for their stay. Many areas of the country, including popular tourist areas, usually offer pet-friendly accommodations at affordable prices. If you are planning a vacation soon and are new to the idea of taking your pet along, here are some important tips for selecting pet-friendly lodging that will please both you and your furry friend.
Vet both your destination and your pet
Nothing ruins a pet-friendly vacation faster than arriving at your destination and discovering that you forgot to bring proof of your pet's vaccination history or finding out that your particular pet's breed is excluded from the pet policy of the cabin or cottage. To avoid the first scenario, make sure that your pet has proper tags, leashes, a collar, and a paper or digital copy of their vet records in your possession. Calling ahead to speak with the cabin or cottage manager will ensure that you are aware of any policy limitations that might prevent your pet from being approved to stay once you arrive.
Look for perks to make both of you more comfortable
Many pet-friendly vacation cabins and cottages take pride in providing comfortable accommodations for both pets and their owners. In fact, many understand that dogs enjoy spending some time rolling and romping in an enclosed yard, especially after a long drive or flight. Fenced yards, often complete with watering accessories and lawn chairs can make a restful oasis where both of you can relax.
Vacationers who like to explore new areas will want to look for accommodations located in neighborhoods within short distances of eating establishments that offer outside or patio dining where your pet can sit with you. You may also want to look for nearby dog and dog-friendly parks and seasonal activities that would be fun for you and your pet.
In addition to pet-friendly perks, make sure to also check on what is included for human enjoyment, such as comfortable beds and baths, hot tubs, pools, in-room microwaves, and coffee pots.
To learn more, contact a company like Rosemont B&B Cottages.